Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fashion In Bloom 2006 - formerly Eastern Performance Trials

Hey Everyone,
I don't have much today (no rant or rave like last week), but I do want to direct everyone to Today's Garden Center's blog for Fashion In Bloom 2006 (formerly Eastern Performance Trials). Take a moment to read all the happenings from the various FIB sites, as recorded by your e-guides: Sara Tambascio and Kim McCloskey.

If you're attending FIB in the flesh, do enjoy yourself. There's oodles of plant material to take a look at, and I'm told there are friendly faces to answer any questions you may have. Also, if you're from below the Mason-Dixon you may want to bring a jacket. (Apparently there's a cold front.) I know two guys who left Atlanta in short-sleeved shirts, but woke up in Jennersville, Pa., needing parkas! Don't worry you two. I won't tell anyone you bought jackets at Wal-Mart this morning!

If you're looking for a little garden statue entertainment, click on the link below for a story from ABC News about a W. Va man's missing garden gnome that has been showing up in the strangest of places... please leave me funny comments about this story!

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